Sunday 26 August 2007

Notting Hill Carnival 2007

Well, frankly I'm not sure where to start.. It was the carnival that kept on giving! Met a load of Nicks friends and Vals (his house mate) nicely mental colleagues. Nick cooked a load of stuff for us, then we closed all the shutters and went a-wondering to find Norman J's party bus. This meant forcing our way through a mile or more of jam packed, sweaty and sticky streets in a random fashion until we found it. Actually, I think the gravity well caused by the 100 people per square metre density pulled us in of its own accord. After getting back to his house without having anything stolen or getting shot, we got hammered and enjoyed the rest of the carnival from his window. There were street fights, RUN DMC style dance fight-offs.. The lot! Val and Holly (From New York and Alabama) were very funny.. When trashy, chavster girls would walk by they'd shout 'Everybody say Hoe!!'. The chav girls would swivel round, not sure if they'd been offended or if the nice American girls were just shouting 'hello!'. Each time Helen would hit the floor though, just in case!

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